The education is a very complex system, and point out just one problem is a hard and uncomfortable decision, because there is a real consciousness about the subject.
In general, the main problems with our educational system are three:
- Teachers without motivation
- Lack of infrastructure
- A lower demand level for the students
Chile’s public education system is supervised by the Ministry of Education but run by the city hall of each small district, but the problem here is that a city hall can’t properly oversee and manage public schools, as a result, districts of poor areas deliver poor education to their students, with a low standard and high number of students per teacher. On the other hand, districts which are well funded and manage a less number of students (private school) result in a better education for children of richer areas.
Other important point is the traditional methodology of education given, which is old and defective, because it gives a great emphasis in the memorization of facts, instead promoting critical thinking, partially due to a cultural emphasis on factual knowledge as the sign of an educated person. Furthermore, the almost equal emphasis and lack of high standards for testing all subjects make it difficult for students to identify what they would like to study in their future.
In general terms, the education system has to worry about the motivation of the teachers, because if they are not satisfied with their jobs, they will not perform in the right way, and as a result the student’s level will not be the required for the Ministry of Education. This is a very important fact because it supposed that we as a teachers have to form the students, which imply the acquisition of values, knowledge and a social commitment, this mean that the emotional state of the teachers would affect the perception of the students about the society.
The teacher, due to carry out many functions, in some way is a kind of significant person for the students, they spend many hours of the week with the students and for that reason they are implied in the behaviour, character and opinion of them.
In my opinion, our future work or labour has a vital importance, as a teacher, we have to make the difference between our students, in terms of what they like, their preferences, their motivation, we have to know how to motivate our students, and try to make our classes more dynamic and interesting, use common and daily material, with all these variables our labour will be more satisfactory and the students really will reach a significant learning.
If the teachers change the education will change, for that reason is very important that the government give more resources to improve the infrastructure, to acquire new and fresh material for the students, which it helps our future labour, and the main goal to reach an equal education in our country.
1 comentario:
nena me extraña, tienes pueso mal el link para mi blog... es http://ihateallthesestupidthings.blogspot.com
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